I did it.
I quit my job.
After almost 22 years.
Can you believe it?
For 22 years I worked hard and nobody even said thank you.
Well I did get flowers – so I guess I should probably just leave it at that.
Wow. I´m happy.
Why did I quit?
Because life is too short to
be doing something that´s not your passion (in my case: anymore – I used ot love radio more than anything in the world. However things change!)
be spending time with people that push you down and make you feel bad instead of people that make a better person.
stick to something just because it´s a habit and/ or a „safe income“.
be wasting your time in a place where you, your talent and your work are not appreciated.
Gosh, I could go on and on, but I won´t.
The only thing that matters is:
I did it. I set myself free. Finally.
What now?
I created space … space that´s been filling up with new projects, dreams and goals very quickly.
The part of me that was holding me back for such a long time was all wrong.
I was afraid, I wasn´t gonna make enough money, but the truth is:
I am not only making more, I´m working less. Wasting less time. Doing more of what I love!
I can spend time with my mom whenever I feel like it. I can create and live my dream.
I feel like I am finally living my purpose. I can tell you there´s nothing greater than that.
How did I get to this point?
I got myself a coach & did some soul-searching!
Honestly – I think everybody should have one!
(Sorry for using so many exclamation marks, but I am trying to make a point here ;-))
My coach helped me to overcome my fears and helped me to jump.
I literally jump into the cold water now – without any hestiation. It used to take me half an hour to get into the water. It became my metaphor. Now I just jump. Because it´s all just a mindset.
Tony Robbins says: „If you want to take over an island, you´ve got to burn your boats. So there is no turning back.“
So my new technique is simple:
I burnt my boats, jumped into the cold water and started swimming
I can feel that the years ahead are going to be exciting, happy and abundant years.